Thursday, November 5, 2015

D'ACNE Foaming Face Wash First impression Review

My search of An Ultimate ACNE-solution face wash finally ended when I found D'ACNE Foaming Face Wash by Glenmark. It is like a genie in a bottle. I know it is usually recommended to use a Gel Face Wash rather than a Foaming one for skin that susceptible to pimples but D'ACNE is a must have in your CTM routine if you are suffering with an acne problem!! 

Lets just briefly go through the key ingredients and you will know why THIS is the ULTIMATE solution.

Key ingredient:-
1. Aloe Extract: Aloe vera has been one of the oldest remedy for acne and also one of those remedy that I had using in my teens and it worked wonders on my skin, but I was just too lazy to follow it up :P . It is Anti-Bacterial, Anti-Inflammatory, Pain inhibitor astringent, it has scar reducing property and it stimulates cell growth. It not only treats acne but also helps in giving the skin an even tone and a beautiful Natural glow. It also has Anti-Aging properties so it is basically all round skin treatment. 

2. Salicylic Acid: It is a great exfoliant, what it basically does is, it helps shredding of  dead skin cells from its follicles and thus keep the pores clean of it cellular debris i.e it helps unclog pores. We all know that clogged pores is the main culprit behind breakouts on skin.

3. Glycolic Acid: It has small molecules that penetrates the skin, therefore it is effective in treatment of fine lines, acne, blackheads etc. It works by reacting with top skin layer and breaks it down by dissolving sebum and other acne causing agents, This results in even exfoliation of skin, and dead skin cells are sloughed off. Glycolic acid gently clears blocked pores, thus further treatments can penetrate easily. It also helps skin to regain elasticity.

I swear by D' ACNE face wash, I could see the difference in the very first week of its use. The skin started glowing, the pimples began to dry out and the marks were fading out. Unlike other Anti-Acne face wash, D'ACNE doesn't leaves the skin feeling dry and tight after the wash. It keeps the skin well hydrated and balances the pH level and oil production.

Let's talk about the Packaging and the texture of the product:
This face wash comes in a transparent cylindrical bottle with a while pump nozzle. Now, when I read the name on the box, it said that its a foaming face wash, sooo. . .  I expected something thick and semi liquidy, inside the bottle. But what I saw was a watery formulation, but once you shake it and then what gets pumped out of the nozzle is very thick foam. . . magic!! :P ( and I thought that I have a faulty product. . hehehe ).
The packaging is leak proof, so can be kept in your bag if need be and you don't have to worry about any spills. One 60 mL bottle lasts for 2 months (maybe more) when used twice a day as instructed on the bottle.

D'acne foaming face wash (60mL) retails for Rs. 290

TRY IT OUT!! and let me know in the comments below how well it worked for you!
P. S: Follow the directions mentioned on the bottle.

Disclaimer: I am not an expert, This is a review based on my experience with the product.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Face Mapping of Pimples

Our face is a window to our health.

The science of FACE MAPPING is a combination of Ayurveda and Ancient Chinese Medicine. It correlates the location of ACNE SPOTS with different organ system in the body. This blog will enlighten you with the mystery behind that unwanted spot which will only help you get good health and eventually clearer skin. 

  1. Above the brows: This region is linked to your liver and gallbladder. If you have breakouts in this area, you should reduce your intake of fat in your diet and eat less of processed food or junk food. What you must do is, drink more water and opt for cooling food items like cucumber.
  2. Area between eyebrows: This region is linked to your liver. Breakouts in this area indicates that you are drinking or smoking too much or you are indulging in late night snacks, eating cheese, butter and other rich food items. This is also the region where your food allergies  show up. So, you must cut down on your indulgence and take out time to exercise everyday to keep your liver healthy.
  3. Nose: Your nose links to your heart and lungs. It's important for you to check your blood pressure and vitamin B levels. reduce your intake of spicy food, salt meat and replace them with nuts, veggies, fruits, fish, avocado, flax seed etc.
  4. Left cheek:   Breakouts on the left cheek? It might be because you smoke too much or because you are involved in strenuous work during the day. Overheating your body during the day affects your liver which is weakest between one to five p.m. Eat cooling food such as cucumber. Cut down on your sugar intake and keep the body alkaline by opting for green veggies. 
  5. Right Cheek: This cheek is connected to your lungs. You must invest your time in strengthening your lungs by doing aerobic and breathing exercises early in the morning. Breakouts in this region can also be due to intake of sugar or dairy products. There is one thing that we all forget that dirty cell phones, bed sheets and pillow cases are top reasons for breakouts on cheeks.
  6. Around the mouth: Your hormones are to be blamed for breakouts in this zone. Stress can also be a culprit at times. Although both are unavoidable but their effect can be reduced by taking proper sleep, Eating green leafy vegetables, drinking adequate water and keep your skin clean. 
  7. Chin: Chin links to your stomach. To reduce breakouts here you must avoid spicy food, drink herbal teas, eat more of fiber rich food.