Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Face Mapping of Pimples

Our face is a window to our health.

The science of FACE MAPPING is a combination of Ayurveda and Ancient Chinese Medicine. It correlates the location of ACNE SPOTS with different organ system in the body. This blog will enlighten you with the mystery behind that unwanted spot which will only help you get good health and eventually clearer skin. 

  1. Above the brows: This region is linked to your liver and gallbladder. If you have breakouts in this area, you should reduce your intake of fat in your diet and eat less of processed food or junk food. What you must do is, drink more water and opt for cooling food items like cucumber.
  2. Area between eyebrows: This region is linked to your liver. Breakouts in this area indicates that you are drinking or smoking too much or you are indulging in late night snacks, eating cheese, butter and other rich food items. This is also the region where your food allergies  show up. So, you must cut down on your indulgence and take out time to exercise everyday to keep your liver healthy.
  3. Nose: Your nose links to your heart and lungs. It's important for you to check your blood pressure and vitamin B levels. reduce your intake of spicy food, salt meat and replace them with nuts, veggies, fruits, fish, avocado, flax seed etc.
  4. Left cheek:   Breakouts on the left cheek? It might be because you smoke too much or because you are involved in strenuous work during the day. Overheating your body during the day affects your liver which is weakest between one to five p.m. Eat cooling food such as cucumber. Cut down on your sugar intake and keep the body alkaline by opting for green veggies. 
  5. Right Cheek: This cheek is connected to your lungs. You must invest your time in strengthening your lungs by doing aerobic and breathing exercises early in the morning. Breakouts in this region can also be due to intake of sugar or dairy products. There is one thing that we all forget that dirty cell phones, bed sheets and pillow cases are top reasons for breakouts on cheeks.
  6. Around the mouth: Your hormones are to be blamed for breakouts in this zone. Stress can also be a culprit at times. Although both are unavoidable but their effect can be reduced by taking proper sleep, Eating green leafy vegetables, drinking adequate water and keep your skin clean. 
  7. Chin: Chin links to your stomach. To reduce breakouts here you must avoid spicy food, drink herbal teas, eat more of fiber rich food.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

The Pimple Story - Home remedy

Praying for a spotless acne-free face? If yes? Hi5 girl! you aren't the one. 
As we grow up,our hormones are constantly working to make us more feminine but this boon comes with the worst nightmare, The Pimple Attack!

I've been suffering with acne ever since I was in 7th Grade, I'm 21 years old now and it doesn't seem to stop. 9 years of my life have passed and not a single day has gone by as a CLEAR SKIN DAY. 

I've visited many doctors, but the ointments prescribed would not just dry out the pimple, also leave my skin extremely dry, rough and patchy. None of the ointments were a perfect cure as they wouldn't prevent future breakouts. Disappointing :(  

Acne is mainly a result of :
  • Change in hormone levels: For example, during periods my pimples are larger and painful
  • Improper functioning of internal organs: Your face is the window to your health.( I will do the face mapping of pimples in the next post)
  • What you eat?: In my case intake of coffee and spicy or oily stuff exaggerates my acne three folds. 
  • How your day to day schedule goes?: For example, if you have stressful schedules, lack of sleep etc. 
  • How you take care of your face?: Cleanse, tone, and moisturize sincerely and according to your skin type. 
  • Or, what products you apply on your face: Not all brands give you desired results. it is important to figure out the right product for your skin.
Lately, I have started trying a home remedy which I saw on YouTube in Himani Wright's channel and it has been doing wonders in controlling my acne . The things you need are all available in your kitchen. 

Acne remedy

You need:
1/4th tsp turmeric powder: It has anti-bacterial, anti-septic and anti-inflammatory properties. It cleanses clogged up pores and reduces acne.

3 tbsp chic pea flour (besan): it is a great skin exfoliator and deep cleanser  
1 and 1/2 tbsp yogurt: corrects the pH balance of the skin
10 drops of lemon juice
Mix all of these together to make a thick paste then apply and massage it on your face, then wash it off and pat-dry. Use it twice everyday 

To get rid of acne scars apply aloe-Vera gel on your face post the above remedy, leave it for 20 mins then wash it off. 

These are extremely simple very very effective on acne and its scars. It also evens up the skin tone. Include these practices in your daily routine and you will see great results

PS: Having pimples is okay, my friends say that I look cute with them and I don't doubt that. Nobody is perfect, accepting your imperfections is what makes you BEAUTIFUL.

Follow my blog for more on effective acne remedies.
Comment below and let me know if it worked for you or not